Hauptmann Konrad Lyhme's III./Infanterie-Regiment 50 was selected to cross the heavily defended Terek river, enabling a bridgehead to be established, giving 1.Panzerarmee access to the Grozny oilfields.
In order to gain surprise, the crossing was to be made without artillery preparation. The crossing started at 0200 hours but the German craft were soon detected, coming under machine gun and mortar fire. Some inflatable rafts were destroyed but the first wave succeeded in crossing and started establishing a beachhead. Subsequent waves bought the rest of Lyhme's III.IR 50 across, then I.IR 50. The Soviets mounted a counter attack but could not eliminate the German bridgehead.
Here we see Hauptmann Lyhme and one of the waves of troops crossing the Terek later that morning- still under heavy fire.
FROM: Osprey's, Campaign 281- The Caucasus 1942-43
PRICE: £575.00 (unframed)
SIZE: Image approx. H 30 cm x W 46 cm (H 12 x W 18 inches)
MEDIUM: Water colour